Mobile and Cloud based InsideSales Solution with a Powerful Mobile Dialer and Cloud Dialer!!


MySalesDialer is an enterprise-class Inside Sales CRM on the cloud and on Android/iOS as an app, utilized by thousands of businesses worldwide! If you would like to supercharge your sales campaign with all included features like Autodialer on cloud and mobile apps, Personalized bulk SMS, Personalized Bulk Email, Integrate with any Voip app on your computer or work with native phone app on your mobile, Bulk voicemail drop, manage unlimited campaigns, manage tasks/reminders/calendars, as a manager manage multiple agents, easily distribute leads to your agents, geo-track your agents and many more features. MySalesDialer is a true Inside Sales Platform requiring no extra purchase to send SMS, email, or Voicemail. We are the best in the industry in delivering value for your money and an effortless Inside Sales CRM System to make your organization successful! Whether you are a one-man sales company or an organization with 100s of sales agents, we are truly there to make you successful!